Supervisory team
Edward Trębski - Chairman
Jacek Urbaniak - Vice-chairman
Zofia Płuska - Secreatary
Ewelina Dębska - Member
Sławomir Przybysz - Member
Statutory tasks
Selected tasks and responsibilities – Statute enacted on 20.02.1995r amended. The Supervisory team shall control and supervision over the activities of the Cooperative. The Supervisory consists of 7 members of the Cooperative elected by the General Assembly for a period of three (3) years. The responsibilities of the Supervisory team include:
- - supervision and control of the activities of the Cooperative,
- - inference to the General Assembly to take a decision (the relevant resolutions) in matters of property.
- - determine the amount of borrowing cash , above which the team is obliged to obtain prior consent of the Supervisory.
- - approving the organizational structure of the Cooperative.
- - choosing or dismissal of members of the board including the President and his deputy,
- - resolution the rules of the team of the Cooperative.
- - acceptance of members of the Cooperative, exclusion and de-registration of members.
To the Supervisory team can be elected only members of the cooperative who have fully paid shares as specified in the Statute and the 1-year experience member of the cooperative.